
If you're interested in being featured on Perfectly Ambitious, you have come to the right place! Below is everything you need to know about each of our feature options!

Free Features
We are currently offering one free feature a month. This feature will go out to one small business woman or blogger. This feature will be in an interview style discussing her life, work, and what makes her perfectly ambitious. This feature will go on our blog and our social media pages. If you are interested in a free feature please email us at perfectlyambitious@gmail.com. You can also use #PABfeatures on Instagram with the photo above.

Featured Reviews
We will be reviewing a few products/services each month. These features are perfect if you want to get your products out there and don't want to wait around for a monthly feature. For this feature you will need to send us a sample or full size product and we will write an honest review about your product, packaging, and customer service. This feature will go on our blog and our social media pages. If you would like to include more than one sample or full size product we will do a giveaway featuring your product. If you are interested in a featured review please email us at perfectlyambitious@gmail.com.

Featured Guest Posts
Guest posts are always welcome! If you're a fellow blogger, we would love to collaborate with you. This feature will be posted on our blog and our social media pages. For this feature you will need to send us an email including your website and social media information, as well as guest post topics that you'd be interested in writing.  If you are interested in writing a guest post, please email us at perfectlyambitious@gmail.com.

If you already know you're going to be featured and would like the perfect image to post, look no further! You can use the one below!