Meet the Sponsors: July 2016
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As some of you are aware, I have officially opened up space for advertisements on my blog! I have multiple advertising packages available to blogs, brands, and small businesses starting at just $1! If you're interested in checking them out, you can see them all here.
Of course, that's not what today's blog post is about! This blog post is dedicated to all of the lovely sponsors that I am working with this month!
Here they are:
Living the Diagnosis is a blog used as a resource for medical stories and information. The owner, Vicky Warren, created a place to read about all types of medical conditions, stories, tips, tricks and so much more!

I just want to say a big thank you to all of my wonderful sponsors! Your support means so much to me! My followers and my sponsors are the reason I'm able to do what I love everyday and I don't take that lightly! Please take a few moments to check out each of my sponsors and send them a bunch of love! If you're interested in advertising your blog, business, or brand on my site, click here for our packaging options.
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